A new tradition has started in China, and it’s for a happy furry occasion. Some Chinese pet owners were able to help their pets move from living together to officially married status in the first-ever canine mass wedding ceremony held in China.The weather was perfect for a beautiful wedding, and the brides and grooms were ready for their “puptials.” 

The pets were first chaperoned and driven in BMW convertibles and limousines to the wedding site. Many were dressed in appropriate wedding attire for the joyous occasion.In all, 21 pairs of dogs were married.
One pet owner said that her dog couple have been living together for over 2 years, and she felt she owed them a wedding.
Organiser Zhang Zhongsham, CEO of pet social media app Smack Talk, said the event was designed not only to give pets and their owners a day to remember, but also to raise awareness of animal rights.
He said: ‘The idea of a collective wedding came about from our previous communication and research with users.
‘This is our first try and we want to take the opportunity to continually promote the development of the pet industry, improve the social lives of our pets and allow them to enjoy egalitarian treatment to that of mankind.’
Among the guests were Chinese Olympic gymnast and gold medallist Teng Haibin, who married off his pet.
The organiser Smack Talk, which is available in Simplified Chinese on iPhone and Android, allows pets to have their own social media profile page and aims to get pets ‘speaking’ via their owners.
The app has gained millions of users in three months
The married dogs received a wedding certificate too. Did they sign with paw prints?
May the new couples enjoy their happy married life forever and ever!


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