A barman who took on the record-breaking challenge of running around the world has succeeded after 19 months.

He crossed deserts, Arctic climes and high-altitude mountains on the journey, wearing down 16 pairs of trainers. For most of the journey he had to carry his food, water and camping equipment in a cart.
Mr Carr, 34, said he attempted the Forrest Gump-style challenge to raise funds for mental health charity Sane.
After the run he told the BBC: “It’s been an incredibly huge strain these last few weeks to get here in time to do the record. It was never meant to come down to this much of a nail-biter.
“I had numerous setbacks. I broke the record by less than one day. I’m overwhelmed. It was an amazing finish, the support and turnout was incredible.”
A set of firecrackers turned out to be his most useful piece of kit when he was stalked by a bear in Canada.
He said: “One of the bears stalked me, then came for me. I used the bear bangers someone gave me and, after three misfires, my fourth attempt sent the bear packing.”
Although Mr Carr beat the world record — held by Tom Denniss of Australia — by 24 hours, it is yet to be ratified by the World Running Association.
Meanwhile, record-breaking cyclist Mark Beaumont is setting off on a new challenge as he attempts to become the fastest rider to complete a 7,000-mile journey across Africa.
The 32-year-old hopes to bike from Cairo to Cape Town in less than the record of 70 days.
It would be a hat-trick for the Scotsman, who is already the fastest person to cycle around the world and across the Americas. His latest feat will see him attempt 150 miles a day for 50 days through countries including Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya.
The cyclist will be raising money for Orkidstudio, a Glasgow humanitarian design group which works on construction projects to benefit communities across the world.
People will be able to follow his adventure on social media and a live tracker on his website.


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