pistorius in court

The review board which will decide whether South African athlete Oscar Pistorius should be released from jail will meet on 18 September, reports say. The justice minister blocked his early release, which was due last Friday. He said the decision by the parole board to free the athlete after serving 10 months of his five-year sentence was premature and without legal basis.
A court convicted him of culpable homicide, or manslaughter, over the killing of his girlfriend in 2013.

The double-amputee shot Reeva Steenkamp through a locked bathroom door at his home in South Africa's capital, Pretoria, believing she was an intruder, he told his trial.

The prosecution has appealed against the ruling, saying he should be convicted of murder.

Pistorius' defence lawyers are to file court papers to oppose the appeal on 17 September, a day before the parole review board meets.


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